The Adivasi population of India constitutes about 8.14 percent of the total population—approximately 85
From The Roots Of India…
Welcome to VAPCOL
VAPCOL is a farmer producer company, working with the farmers to make farming remunerative
Vasundhara Agri-Horti Producer Co. Ltd (VAPCOL) is a multi-State second-tier farmer organisation registered as a Producer Company under the Companies’ Act. Its members are first-tier Farmer Organisations (registered or unregistered) having primary membership of individual farmer producers. Farmer Organisations are equity holders in VAPCOL. The Company also has non-equity-holding Institutional Members who play a supportive role for the Farmer organisations.
VAPCOL was registered in the year 2004. After an initial period of building a member-base, it began operations in 2008-09; VAPCOL was formed for the purpose of carrying out the business of procurement, grading, marketing, selling, export of primary produce of the members or procurement of goods or services for their benefit. Today the producer company has a membership base of 55 producer organizations spread across various States of India representing a primary membership base of about 41000 farmers. VAPCOL deals in multiple commodities produced by its members primarily fruit and nuts.
What We Do
Our Offerings
Highest quality products directly sourced from the farmers, ensuring there’s no middleman

Indrayani Rice

Ambemohar Rice

Amla Candy
Mango Chunnda
What Our Client Says
I have tried almost all the products of brand Vrindavan & The Farming Monk. I like all the products, but my favorites are Sweet Lemon Pickle, Mango Chunnda, Valay rice and Cashew. My family is into sports and we participate in various out door activities, hence for me good quality food is essential. I do not compromise on quality. VAPCOL’s products are nutritious and at the same time I truly believe in their philosophy of linking the producers with the mainstream consumers.
Ms. Prativa Sundaray
I have tried almost all the products of brand Vrindavan & The Farming Monk. I like all the products, but my favorites are Sweet Lemon Pickle, Mango Chunnda, Valay rice and Cashew. My family is into sports and we participate in various out door activities, hence for me good quality food is essential. I do not compromise on quality. VAPCOL’s products are nutritious and at the same time I truly believe in their philosophy of linking the producers with the mainstream consumers.
Ms. Prativa Sundaray
I have tried almost all the products of brand Vrindavan & The Farming Monk. I like all the products, but my favorites are Sweet Lemon Pickle, Mango Chunnda, Valay rice and Cashew. My family is into sports and we participate in various out door activities, hence for me good quality food is essential. I do not compromise on quality. VAPCOL’s products are nutritious and at the same time I truly believe in their philosophy of linking the producers with the mainstream consumers.
Ms. Prativa Sundaray
I have tried almost all the products of brand Vrindavan & The Farming Monk. I like all the products, but my favorites are Sweet Lemon Pickle, Mango Chunnda, Valay rice and Cashew. My family is into sports and we participate in various out door activities, hence for me good quality food is essential. I do not compromise on quality. VAPCOL’s products are nutritious and at the same time I truly believe in their philosophy of linking the producers with the mainstream consumers.
Ms. Prativa Sundaray
From the Blog
News & Articles
VAPCOL Gets Award_FPO Impact Award 2019
A recognition to remember: Acknowledging the journey of VAPCOL Each year ACCESS organizes the
Patronage Distribution in VAPCOL
Mr. Girish Sohani, President of BAIF Development Research Foundation and Chairman of Vasundhara Agri-Horti